lørdag 11. juni 2016

Phnom Pehn day 1

We arrived safely just after 9am and although none of us had slept well on the overnight flight we didn't want to waste the only free day we have by sleeping. First we went to look around the Russian Market. It is an indoor market that has to be experienced, it sells everything you can imagine and even things you never would imagine! Shopping was done and gifts bought as well as an experience for life for Tom Kenneth and Rivo who have not been there before. Here are some pictures to help you imagine but it is such a shame that pictures don't come with smell files because the smell of the place is beyond description.

Being an electrician Tom Kenneth was 
interested to see how electrical work is
carried out here.

We ate lunch at Daughters, for more information about the fantastic work they do see their website:  http://daughtersofcambodia.org/

This will be the last bread for a week as we will be eating rice for breakfast lunch and dinner.

The traffic in the city is appears as chaotic as ever yet everyone seems to get to where they are going. I have on occasion chosen to close my eyes! Vehicle safety is not always taken too seriously either!

The genocide under the Khmer Rouge in the mid and late 1970's is part of this country's history which continues its influence today. Since two of the five of us had not been to Tuol Sleng genocide museum we went in. It is a haunting place with a gruesome history.

A room used for torture.

After that we headed back to the guest house for a nap before going over to have dinner with Sithuon and his wife Lysom. They are Normisjons local employees and corordinate much of the church development work Normisjon does. Normisjons social development is done through ICC. If you want to know more there is a website in English here: http://www.icc.org.kh/

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