Do you recognise the title to this? For anyone who doesn't speak norwegian roughly translated it means "Your have made many promises and your grace is great", it is the opening line of a song that has been in my head for the last couple of days. God has made so many promises to us his children and he is so gracious towards us. In our evening quiet time we are looking at John's gospel chapterby chapter to see which prommises we can find in it.
This song is not by any means a new and modern one but the words are hugely powerful, there are two lines that have really spoken to me recently "Herre led du meg frem, la meg bli til hjelp for dem som du viser meg trenger en hånd". It roughly translated means" Lord lead me on and let me help those who you show me need a helping hand". I pray that the Lord will show me who he wants me to help and at the same time I try not to use any lack of clear divine leading as a reason not to help people who need it.
I am adding to my daily prayer list during lent that God will show me who he has in mind for me to help. This is partly inspired by the course we have done recently in our house church called "The power of a whisper" by Bill Hybles. The course encourages us to hear God whisper to us in our everday lives and then to act on those whispers.
So what has this led to so far... small things, everyday things really but it is interesting that I am seeing everything differently. I am consciously looking for God in everything and I am finding him there too! I challenge you to do the same, look for God and what he wants you to do in all the everyday situations, family, work, hobbies, even a trip shopping can become exciting. It is a bit easier to get out of bed when you can say to yourself "I wonder what plans God has for me today?"
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