The day started with a forgotten breakfast. It was to be at 7am but by half past still hadn't come. Then a lady appeared looking rather stressed and soon after she came with a bowl of rice and some chicken. Not a standard breakfast but very welcome.
We then gathered up our belongings and got on the bus to go to the local schol and lead a morning of teaching for sunday school teachers. They are not more then teenagers themselves and it was a wonderful experience to share with them tips and skills that they can use to enhance their teaching. Anita and Hans did the teaching and the rest of the team were responsible for showing how to use puppets and drawing to tell bible stories.
The prodigal son told as a picture series. Rebekka and Irene.
Anita and Situon the translator.
After that we went to a local cafe on this street with the sunday school teachers and had lunch.There was a choice of rice, chicken and vegetables or offal and some leafy vegetable which I did not recognize.
We travelled back to Phnom Penh by bus. Pat was reunited with her lost suitcase and we all enjoyed using the bathroom and the pool in the hotel. This is a picture of the bathroom in the guest house in Prey Veng which we have been sharing for the last tree days.
We rounded off this evening with a gathering to share thoughts about the day and pray together. We were blessed by God the Holy Spirit giving almost all of the team a picture or word regarding the trip, the team or things which had happened during the day.
Hallelulia! We serve the living God who talks to us.
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