The observant among you will have noticed the Christmas tree on the stage. It has merry Christmas on it and even a snow flake although it never snows here, Cambodia is too near the equator. My guess is that it stands there all year rather like we leave a cross up in our churches all year and not just for Easter.
Below are some action shots of the team in action during the day today. There are none of me since I didn't think to ask anyone to take any.
Although not part of the team he was on the wall of the church. This little chap has a great apatite for insects including mosquitoes, something I am rather pleased about.
We have been privileged to hear some fantastic testimony about what God is doing in the Agenda 1 churches. This pastor has his church under a tree in the village. They are experiencing growth there.
Here is a group avidly discussing how they might implement what they have just learnt in their church.
It was raining so heavily today as we finished the teaching sessions for the day that everyone stayed in the church until the rain passed. This created time for an interesting conversation, through the translator (in black top) about this ladies passion for sharing with her family, friends and neighbours about Jesus.
We are now heading off to the market-place for a meal.
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