torsdag 9. november 2017

Cambodia is a stunning country

As this blog heading suggests I want to say that Cambodia is a stunning country with beautiful countryside and a fantastic people.

We started the day with prayer and worship as a team before beginning the final half-day in Tboung Khmum. We then carried on in an attitude of worship with all the people that were there. It was very powerful. At one point I opened my eyes to see Dara on his knees worshiping and from the angle I was at it just looked as though he was holding all the church leaders gathered in his open arms. It struck me that it said something profound about his love for his people and at the same time his love for Jesus. This is the picture I took:

Sopheavy taught the final session brilliantly. The participating church leaders then went on to make a plan of what they are going to do in the coming 6 months in the light of what they have learnt in the last couple of days. Afterwards they presented their plans to each other and then each leader team was prayed for with the laying on of hands. We finished our time in Tboung Khmum with lunch and a debrief between us and the arrangers.

By about 1.30 we were on the road for the 6 hour journey to Kandal province. In this blog I have sometimes given a glimpse of the roads, here's another one:

We stopped a couple of times on the journey and we took some pictures of the rice paddies ripe for harvesting:

I have no idea what Steve and Tom Kenneth are discussing here, perhaps the quality of the harvest? Although they don't really look like Cambodian farmers.

Here are a couple of pictures of the team messing around. Not something you want to do much of when it is over thirty degrees celsius!

We are now safely in Kandal. If you want to know more please cut and paste the link:  
This is the final place we are holding Agenda 1 on this trip. The last two mornings I have had no choice but to have a cold shower, not outside in the tropical showers that keep coming but in the guest house bathroom. The shower tap looked promising with a red side and a blue side but the red only gave cold water like the blue. In this guest house I have already given my feet a rinse and tested the red tap, it was warm. There is hope of a warm shower tomorrow morning.

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