onsdag 16. mai 2012

Choices, decisions etc.

Do you every get tired of making decisions? Modern life seems to allow us to decide so many things for ourselves. We can make choices about such a lot of things that affect us. Even just one generation ago things were different. To take an everyday example when we go shopping we can decide which products to buy. Not only which products but there are countless varieties of each product. Take cornflakes for example we can buy the original variety, the supermarket's own brand, fairtrade, high-fibre, sugar coated, with dried fruits added (here we can decide which dried fruits we prefer), chocolate coated etc. The choice is vast.

We are no longer expected to follow our parents into the family buisness or trade although we might choose to do. We can choose our career for ourselves. We are no longer expected to live in the same place we were brought up and where our family has lived for many generations. We can choose where to live.

Our choices can be based on a number of different things such as taste, desire, convenience, peer-pressure, faith, ethics and a variety of other things. We make so many decisions in just one day that we don't necessarily think them over, deciding has become second nature. Our decisions are usually based around what suits us. Our lives can be shaped to what we want, need or prefer. We live in a consumer society where buisness and activities compete to be the best and mostconvenient for their user group.

We are used to everything fitting us or being free to choose not to be part of it. What about living as a disciple of Jesus. This is where things can get more difficult or complicated because being a disciple of someoen means copying and behaaving like the master. It is easy to choose to copy and be like Jesus when it is convenient to us but what do we do when it is inconvenient or difficult? Jesus calls us to look after the poor, weak and vulnerable. How seriously do we take that? Does it for exaample impact our everyday choices such as buying fairtrade products as opposed to cheaper or easily accessible ones? Does it affect the way we make our everyday decisions?

Following Jesus as one of his disciples means that we have to lay down our lives in surrender to him. We sing about it in worship, we pray "your will be done" in the Lord's prayer but are we active in bringing it about. One-size-fits-all is not in fashon at the moment society offers us mmade-to-measure lives. Following Jesus means basing our decisions and choices on our Lord and his view of what it means to follow him in the little things of life as well as the big ones.

I have this week been involved in a discussion group with some Christians I don't know well. The conversation was based around churches and where we find what we want in a church. Where the service times suit our personal timetable, where the style is to our taste, where the music is the type we like, where there are other people like ourselves. Basically it was all about what I want and need. The made to measure society has made it into church. I don't want to attend that one if it isn't a perfect fit for me. I sat and listened for a while and then in a lul asked for permission to throw a granade in. I asked where the sense of calling was. What about asking God where He intends us to attend? Where does God want us to use the gifts and talents he has Given us? Where does he want is to give of ourselves to build His kingdom? In essence "Where do you want me to serve you?"

I turned the discussion on its head because I believe that when we give our lives to Him we give Him everything and allow Him to guide us and use us as He sees fit. The question changes from "Where do I get my needs met and feel comfortable?" to "Where do you want me Lord and how would you like me to serve you?" That is radical discipleship and can be costly but is ultimately worth it. As a disciple of  Jesus we have chosen to follow him wherever he leads us and we mustn't forget to ask him where, what, when and how as we make our little and big decisions in life.

Being a disciple means following the Master. Are we willing to follow where he leads and not count the cost? I cannot promise from my experience that it will lead to an easy life, riches, friends or the good life. What I have however learnt is that following Him is never dull, never boring or predictable and he really does keep his word when he says he will never leave us or forsake us.

I finish with the words of a popular song:

I want to walk with Jesus Christ
All the days I live of this life on earth
To give to Him complete control
Of body and of soul
Follow Him, follow Him, yield your life to Him
He has conquered death, He is King of kings
Accept the joy which He gives to those
Who yield their lives to Him
I want to learn to speak to Him
To pray to Him, confess my sin
To open my life and let Him in
For joy will then be mine

I want to learn to speak of Him
My life must show that He lives in me
My deeds, my thoughts, my words must speak
All of His love for me

I want to learn to read His word
For this is how I know the way
To live my life as pleases Him
In holiness and joy

O Holy Spirit of the Lord
Enter now into this heart of mine
Take full control of my selfish will
And make me wholly Thine

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