torsdag 5. november 2015

Tbung Khmum

Out of the guest house at 7am and the temperature was already 33 degrees with 57% humidity! We were in for a long and rather hot day. We eventually found the church where the meetings today and tomorrow will be held. The people have already gathered and are waiting. There were two fans for about 80 people, clearly not enough. We started With worship led by musicians on traditional Khmer instruments.

Worship leaders

playing traditional instruments

but I have no idea what they are!

The teaching, discussion groups and presentations got under way.

Group work

Tracy teaching
Steve, Tom Kenneth and I shared the teaching and Chakraya translated for the people. We had two students to translate for us when necessary.

Tom Kenneth teaching

Everyone focussed on what's being said.

By 11am I was struggling, everyone was struggling, even the locals! Thankfully there is pleanty of bottled water, we needed it. Lunchtime came and we had rice and a stew of intestines and vegetables. I think most of us westerners avoided the intestines and ate the rice and the veg.

Large intestine of some unfortunate animal with sauce and other delicacies.

We were not long into the afternoon before a tropical storm broke overhead. I have heard about these but never before experienced one.


As it rained we felt the temperature plummet from 43 degrees to a more manageable level. I cannot tell you what it was as we didn’t measure it after the storm. The day ended with another evaluation and meal of rice and mung bean and meat. There were other things to have with the rice but I chose not to.
One of the people in charge of food preparation by his preparatin area.
A meal for over 80 people
lots of pots bubbling merrily

in pots using a wood fire under each for heat

The team finished today with a couple of hours of prayer ministry then back in our rather hot bedroom we hope to sleep.

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