torsdag 5. november 2015

Tobung Khmum day 2

After a full eight hours of sleep we felt refreshed and ready to meet whatever the day may bring. Thank you to the 37 people on the prayer list who prayed for a good nights sleep for us. Out again by 7am and after a very tasty breakfast of marinated pork with rice and a rather strong chili sauce we headded to the church.

The atmosphere was expectant, we started as a had started day two in Chhuk with teaching and ministry on the topic of how much our Heavenly Father loves us. It was very moving for many people and we hope and pray that many experienced a deep sense of His love either again or for the first time.

There was a break then and snacks for everyone, fruit and/or rice cakes steamed in palm leaves.

Trying a rice snack
Tom Kenneth after biting into  a sour local fruit yesterday

After snack time the churches divided into their groups for the last time and made plans for the coming 6 months.

Ten church groups working together.
The groups then chose a group member to come forward and present their pland to the rest of the people. For some this was a huge step out of their comfort zone, especially the women who may have never said anything in a meeting before. After each team presentation, the whole team from each church were prayed for.

I noticed that the children who were there could not get enough prayer ministry and were joining in for more and more - what a joy! I suggested we pray for them all together as well as with their church groups. In this picture it looks like they have been forced up against the wall, that's not really how it happened! We then prayed for the teenagers a second time praying for their future and the role they will have in shaping their country.
Please note all left the wall with their lives intact!
 After lunch, a leader review and some socializing we drove back to Phnom Penh along the border with Vietnam which in places was only 100 metres away. We say lots and lots of rice fields, a rubber plantation and loads of other interesting things to look at including the Mekong river which we crossed by bridge.
Rice not yet ready to harvest

Rubber trees

In Phnom Penh we changed some of the local team members before going out to a pizzaria for a meal and to celebrate Tom Kenneth's birthday.

The birthday cake was bright and colourful with "Happy birthday, may God bless you" written on. At lunch time we had made an improvized cake from green beans and other vegetables. We sang happy birthday to him three times in all today, once when we got up in the morning, once with the vegetable cake and once with the proper cake!
After we'd eaten we carried on to near where we are going to have an Agenda 1 taster day for churches in a province just an hour south of the capital. Agenda 1 involves a big committment on their part as it is twice a year for 2-4 years with follow up during the intervening 6 months. This is something the local churches has asked for and want. They will be expected to put the plans they make into action during the interveening 6 months then to feed back to the other churches how they have got on with it. It will, I'm sure, be an interesting day tomorrow. 

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