onsdag 15. juni 2016


Today has been a hot, hot, hot day in Chuuk. I had the after lunch session and it was 36 degrees in the church. The power kept going off so the fans would stop. The fans don't seem to do a lot until they stop!

Every centimeter of me was running with sweat and my cloaths were saturated, here's a picture of my back after 20 minutes.

The day began at 8am with prayer and worship. Every time we have been here the worship has been fantastic and today did not disappoint. The teenagers who live at the on-site children's home have led it each time.  One of the values in this home is that every child shall have the change to learn to play a musical instrument. The drummer is very talented. There are currently 22 children in the home. Here are some pictures of the worship, notice the boy who is jumping up and down as he is singing!

Lunch was served under a tree and we enjoyed rice, fish and a type of meat soup.

 After lunch one of the local boys invited Tom Kenneth to play volley ball with him. Here is a sequence of pictures. Note the huge smile on Tom Kenneth's face!

Then it was my teaching which was ok but the temperature was a challenge. It really is important to drink water constantly.

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