torsdag 16. juni 2016

Last day in Chhuk

The day started with a man of over 80 talking about how he uses the story of being raised from the dead (yes, you read that correctly) to tell people about his faith. It seems that he had a massive stroke, was taken the the main hospital in Phnom Phen where he was pronounced dead and put in the morgue.

This was a totally unexpected story. We made the decision to film it and it will be translated and texted into English and will also be made available in Norwegian. We also interviewed and filmed Madam Kung Yoo who is the pastor who prayed for him and the man's grandaughter who was part of it all too.
Madam Kung Yoo

The elderly man and his grandaughter

Sharing what has happened to him with the other pastors

With the translator as she talks about it with them.

The only reason we heard about this was as a result of us asking if there was anybody present who has used their testimony to tell people about their faith. He came forward and what he had to share was dynamite! The film will be made widely available and we will certainly be showing it in Norkirken.

After that everything else appeared insignificant. When we were holding a session on healing we saw someone healed. It really has been a day of miracles.

Teaching about the power of sharing our testimony.

Group work preparing the plans the church groups will work on for the next six months.

Praying for each team after they have presented their plan to the other church leaders.

A bit of shopping on the way to the airport.

We are now in Bangkok airport waiting for our overnight flight to Oslo and on to Stavanger

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