søndag 5. november 2017

An enormous orange

Today has been a mixture of different things. We started the day at the Light of Living church in Phnom Penh. It was a lovely communion service led as usual by the students who live in Normisjon's student hostel. There weren't as many people there as usual because it has been the water festival which is a three day holiday throughout the country and lots of the students had gone home for the weekend and hadn't yet returned to the capital.

The service was followed by a shared meal in the hostel courtyard. We went then up to Lysom and Sithuon's flat which is at the top of the dormitory building. There was coffee for those who like it and tea for me. We also had time to relax while we waited for the rest of the team to arrive.

While we were waiting we were treated to the biggest orange I have ever seen. It tasted really good sitting outside on the balcony in 24 degrees.

Once the team and the minibus driver arrived we set off on a journey of a couple of hours to Chhuk. We ate dinner in a street café we have used a number of times before. Two of the key local leaders joined us and we had a working dinner.

The next two days we will be here running two Agenda 1 courses parallel. They will have some things together but the majority of the teaching will be in two big groups. This means the team will be divided into two with Tom Kenneth, Peveey, Dara and I leading one group and C'ya, Ove and Steve in the other.

I know it is only the middle of the day in Europe but here it is rather late. I am very pleased I have ear plugs with me as I have a disco party with very loud music right opposite my guest house bedroom. Now to see if I will get any sleep  zzzz.

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